SNMP Reference Guide

Port Group 259
connectorPortTypeIsRIMM(12) The memory device port
connector type is a Rambus
Inline Memory Module
connectorPortTypeIsSODIMM(13) The memory device port
connector type is a small
outline, dual in-line
memory module
connectorPortTypeIsSRIMM(14) The memory device port
connector type is a SRIMM.
Table 13-5. Monitor Port Connector Types
Variable Name: DellMonitorPortConnectorType
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
connectorPortTypeIsOther(1) The monitor port connector type
is not one of the following:
connectorPortTypeIsUnknown(2) The monitor port connector type
is unknown.
connectorPortTypeIsDB15PinMale(3) The monitor port connector type
is a male DB-15.
connectorPortTypeIsDB15PinFemale(4) The monitor port connector type
is a female DB-15.
Table 13-4. Memory Device Port Connector Types
Variable Name: DellMemoryDevicePortConnectorType
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Value Meaning of Data Value Page 259 Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:19 PM