SNMP Reference Guide

Device Group 281
Cache Device Maximum Size
Cache Device Current Size
Cache Device Speed
Cache Device Write Policy
Name cacheDeviceMaximumSize
Object ID
Description Defines the maximum size of the cache device in
kilobytes (KB). A zero (0) indicates that the size is unknown.
Syntax DellUnsigned32BitRange
Access Read-only
Name cacheDeviceCurrentSize
Object ID
Description Defines the current size of the cache device in KB. A zero (0)
indicates that the size is unknown.
Syntax DellUnsigned32BitRange
Access Read-only
Name cacheDeviceSpeed
Object ID
Description Defines the speed of the cache device in nanoseconds. A zero (0)
indicates that the speed is unknown.
Syntax DellUnsigned32BitRange
Access Read-only
Name cacheDeviceWritePolicy
Object ID
Description Defines the write policy of the cache device.
Syntax DellCacheDeviceWritePolicy (See Table 14-9)
Access Read-only Page 281 Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:19 PM