SNMP Reference Guide

318 Device Group
SD Card Device Config Settings
SD Card Device Location Name
SD Card Device Card Present
SD Card Device Card State
Access Read-only
Name sdCardDeviceConfigSettings
Object ID
Description Defines the configuration settings of the SD Card device.
Syntax DellSDCardDeviceConfigSettings
Access Read-only
Name sdCardDeviceLocationName
Object ID
Description Defines the location of the SD Card device.
Syntax DellString
Access Read-only
Name sdCardDeviceCardPresent
Object ID
Description Defines whether the SD Card is present for the SD Card device.
Syntax DellBoolean
Access Read-only
Name sdCardDeviceCardState
Object ID
Description Defines the state of the SD Card.
Syntax DellSDCardDeviceCardState
Name sdCardDeviceConfigCapabilities Page 318 Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:19 PM