SNMP Reference Guide

338 Device Group
Table 14-13. Cache Device Location
Variable Name:
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
deviceLocationIsOther(1) Device location is not one of the
deviceLocationIsUnknown(2) Device location is unknown.
deviceLocationIsInternal(3) Device location is internal.
deviceLocationIsExternal(4) Device location is external.
Table 14-14. Cache Device Static Random-Access Memory (SRAM) Type
Variable Name:
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
deviceSRAMTypeIsOther(1) Device SRAM type is not one of the
deviceSRAMTypeIsUnknown(2) Device SRAM type is unknown.
deviceSRAMTypeIsNonBurst(3) Device SRAM type is nonburst.
deviceSRAMTypeIsBurst(4) Device SRAM type is burst.
deviceSRAMTypeIsPipeBurst(5) Device SRAM type is pipeburst.
deviceSRAMTypeIsSynchronous(6) Device SRAM type is synchronous.
deviceSRAMTypeIsAsynchronous(7) Device SRAM type is asynchronous.
Table 14-15. Memory Device Type Form Factor
Variable Name:
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
deviceFormFactorIsOther(1) Device form factor is not one of
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