SNMP Reference Guide

366 Memory Group
Physical Memory Array Error Checking and Correcting (ECC) Type
Physical Memory Array Location
Physical Memory Array Maximum Size
Physical Memory Array Total Number Sockets
Name physicalMemoryArrayECCType
Object ID
Description Defines the ECC type used by the physical memory array.
Syntax DellPhysicalMemoryArrayECCType (See Table 16-2)
Access Read-only
Name physicalMemoryArrayLocation
Object ID
Description Defines the location of the physical memory array.
Syntax DellPhysicalMemoryArrayLocation (See Table 16-1)
Access Read-only
Name physicalMemoryArrayMaximumSize
Object ID
Description Defines the size in KB of the physical memory array.
Syntax DellUnsigned32BitRange
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Name physicalMemoryArrayTotalNumberSockets
Object ID
Description Defines the total number of memory sockets available for the
physical memory array.
Syntax DellUnsigned32BitRange
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