SNMP Reference Guide

Memory Group 373
Physical Memory Configuration Status
Physical Memory Configuration Redundant Capabilities
Physical Memory Configuration Redundant Settings
Physical Memory Configuration MOM Capabilities
Name physicalMemoryConfigStatus
Object ID
Description Defines the status of the physical memory configuration.
Syntax DellStatus
Access Read-only
Name physicalMemoryConfigRedundantCapabilities
Object ID
Description Defines the redundant capabilities of the physical memory.
Syntax DellPhysicalMemoryConfigRedundantCapabilities
Access Read-only
Name physicalMemoryConfigRedundantSettings
Object ID
Description Defines the redundant settings of the physical memory.
Syntax DellPhysicalMemoryConfigRedundantSettings
Access Read-write
Name physicalMemoryConfigMOMCapabilities
Object ID
Description Defines the Memory Operating Mode capabilities of the
physical memory.
Syntax DellPhysicalMemoryConfigMOMCapabilities
Access Read-only Page 373 Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:19 PM