SNMP Reference Guide

472 Remote Access Group
Remote Access Chassis Index
Remote Access Adapter Index
Remote Access Type
Remote Access State Capabilities
Name remoteAccessChassisIndex
Object ID
Description Defines the index (one-based) of the chassis containing the
remote access hardware.
Syntax DellObjectRange
Access Read-only
Name remoteAccessAdapterIndex
Object ID
Description Defines the index (one-based) of the remote access hardware.
Syntax DellObjectRange
Access Read-only
Name remoteAccessType
Object ID
Description Defines the type of remote access hardware.
Syntax DellRemoteAccessType (See Table 20-1)
Access Read-only
Name remoteAccessStateCapabilities
Object ID
Description Defines the state capabilities of the remote access hardware.
Syntax DellStateCapabilities
Access Read-only Page 472 Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:19 PM