SNMP Reference Guide

584 Storage Management Group
Channel State
Channel Severity
Description Identifies the name of the channel as represented in Storage
Management. The name includes the word channel and the
instance. For example: Channel 1.
Syntax DisplayString
Access Read-only
Name channelState
Object ID
Description Identifies the current state of this channel. Possible states:
0: Unknown
1: Ready - The I/O has resumed.
2: Failed
3: Online
4: Offline - The I/O has paused.
6: Degraded
Syntax Integer
Access Read-only
Name channelSeverity
Object ID
Description This entry is obsolete for Storage Management. It was replaced
with RollUpStatus and ComponentStatus for each device.
Syntax Integer
Access Read-only
Name channelName Page 584 Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:19 PM