SNMP Reference Guide

Traps 689
The Server Administrator generates events that result in Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) traps or operating system event logs. Remote
Access Controller (RAC) and Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) can
also generate SNMP traps in response to hardware events. This section
describes the traps, also known as alerts, generated by the Server
Administrator, RAC, and BMC.
The Server Administrator generates events in response to changes in the
status of sensors and other monitored parameters. When an event with
predefined characteristics occurs on your system, the SNMP subagent sends
information about the event, along with trap variables, to the
management console.
Each status change event generates a unique identifier called the TrapID and
a trap description that describes the event. The TrapID and message uniquely
describe the severity and cause of the event, and provide other relevant
information such as the location of the event and the monitored item’s
previous state.
"Instrumentation Traps" on page 696 lists all Server Administrator
Instrumentation TrapIDs in numerical order and includes each TrapID’s
corresponding description, severity level, and cause. Description text in
brackets (for example, <State>) describes the event-specific information
provided by Server Administrator.
"RAC Traps" on page 721 lists RAC TrapIDs in numerical order and includes
each TrapID’s corresponding description, severity level, and cause.
"BMC Traps" on page 726 lists BMC TrapIDs and includes each TrapID’s
corresponding description and severity level. Page 689 Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:19 PM