User's Manual

168 Enclosures and Backplanes
State This property displays the current status of the temperature
Ready—The temperature probe is functioning normally.
Degraded—The temperature probe has encountered a failure
and is operating in a degraded state.
Failed—The temperature probe has encountered a failure and
is no longer functioning. Storage Management may also be
unable to communicate with the enclosure using SES
commands. The Failed state is displayed when the enclosure
does not respond to a status query from Storage Management
for any reason. For example, disconnecting the cable would
cause this state to be displayed.
Minimum Warning Threshold Exceeded—The enclosure’s
temperature has dropped below the minimum warning
threshold. For more information, see Set Temperature Probe
Valu es .
Maximum Warning Threshold Exceeded—The enclosure’s
temperature has risen above the maximum warning threshold.
For more information, see Set Temperature Probe Values.
Missing—The temperature probe is not present in the
Inactive—The temperature probe is present in the enclosure,
but the EMM that it monitors is not installed.
Reading This property displays the current temperature of the
enclosure as reported by the temperature probe.
The Minimum and Maximum properties indicate the
temperatures currently set for the Warning threshold. For
more information, see Set Temperature Probe Values.
Failure Threshold The Minimum and Maximum properties indicate the
temperatures currently set for the Failure threshold. For more
information, see Set Temperature Probe Values.
Property Definition