User's Manual

228 Virtual Disks
State This property displays the current status of the virtual disk.
Possible values are:
Ready—The virtual disk is functioning normally.
Degraded—A physical disk in a redundant virtual disk is not
Resynching—A consistency check is being performed on the
virtual disk.
On the CERC SATA1.5/6ch controllers, reconfiguring a
concatenated virtual disk to a RAID 1 may cause the virtual
disk to be in Resynching state. Performing a Cancel Check
Consistency on a virtual disk while it is in Resynching state
causes the virtual disk to be in a Failed Redundancy state. For
more information, see Considerations for Concatenated to
RAID 1 Reconfiguration on CERC SATA1.5/6ch Controllers.
Resynching Paused—A consistency check has been paused on
the virtual disk.
Regenerating—A physical disk in the virtual disk is rebuilding.
Reconstructing—The virtual disk configuration has changed.
The physical disks included in the virtual disk are being
modified to support the new configuration.
Failed—The virtual disk has encountered a failure of one or
more components and is no longer functioning.
Failed RedundancyThis state is displayed when the initial
consistency check for the virtual disk is cancelled or is not
successful. This state may also be displayed when a RAID 1,
RAID 10 or RAID 1-concatenated virtual disk suffers a
physical disk failure. In addition, there are other conditions
related to disk failures and the firmware that can cause a
virtual disk to display a Failed Redundancy state. When a
virtual disk is in Failed Redundancy state, performing a Check
Consistency may return the virtual disk to a Ready state. This
state only applies to virtual disks on a CERC SATA1.5/6ch,
and CERC SATA1.5/2s controller.
Property Definition