User's Manual

232 Virtual Disks
Encrypt Virtual Disk
Does my controller support this feature? See Supported Features.
Use the Reconfigure task to change the virtual disks properties. For example,
you can use this task to add physical disks or change the RAID level. For more
information, see Virtual Disk Task: Reconfigure (Step 1 of 3).
Format, Initialize, Slow and Fast Initialize
Does my controller support this feature? See Supported Features.
Use the Format, Initialize, Slow Initialize, or Fast Initialize task to erase the
files and remove the file systems on a virtual disk. Some controllers require
that you initialize a virtual disk before it can be used. For more information,
see Format and Initialize; Slow and Fast Initialize.
Cancel Format or Initialize
Does my controller support this feature? See Supported Features.
Use the Cancel Format or Cancel Initialize task to cancel the virtual disk
format or initialize while it is in progress. For more information on virtual
disk format or initialize, see Format and Initialize; Slow and Fast Initialize.
NOTE: The Cancel Initialize task only applies to the PERC 4/SC, 4/DC, 4e/DC, 4/Di,
4e/Si, and 4e/Di controllers.
Cancel Background Initialization
Does my controller support this feature? See Supported Features.
On PERC 4/SC, 4/DC, 4e/DC, 4/Di, 4e/Si, and 4e/Di controllers, background
initialization of redundant virtual disks begins automatically after the virtual
disk is created. Because the initialization is run in the background, other
processes can continue while the initialization completes.
The background initialization of a redundant virtual disk prepares the virtual
disk for parity information and improves write performance. It is important
that the background initialization be allowed to run to completion. You can,