User's Manual

PCI Express Solid-State Device Support 69
Device Life Status Displays the life status of the PCIe SSD. The device life status
is determined by the following attributes:
Percent Lifetime Used — This attribute is determined by the
elapsed time since the start of use (up to three years) or
percentage of total bytes written (TBW).
Write Protect Progress — This attribute is determined by the
reduction in number of available spare sectors. If the available
spare sectors is less than 10 percent of the original pool, the
drive enters read-only mode.
Possible values for the device life status are:
Drive Health Good — The drive is used within the TBW
specification. The drive health is good as sufficient spare
blocks are available. The drive health status is good if the
values for percent lifetime used and write protect progress is
less than 100 percent.
Approaching Warranty Coverage Expiry — The drive is
reaching the specified TBW, indicating that it is close to the
end of warranty coverage. However, the drive will be
functional as the number of spare blocks available are still
above the threshold for entering the read-only mode. The
drive approaches the warranty coverage expiry if the value for
percent lifetime used is greater than or equal to 90 percent
and that for write protect progress is less than the threshold
value, which is 90 percent.
Warranty Coverage Expired — The drive has reached the
TBW threshold and met the life expectancy specification. The
drive will be functional as the number of spare blocks available
are still above the threshold for entering the read-only mode.
But, the specified data retention period (amount of time that
data can be read from the drive after TBW is reached) will
drop if TBW specification is exceeded and the warranty for the
drive will expire. The warranty coverage for the drive expires if
the value for percent lifetime used is equal to 100 percent and
that for write protect progress is less than 100 percent.
Table 5-3. Physical Device Properties
Properties Description