User's Manual

98 Controllers
Rebuild Rate The rebuild rate is the percentage of the system’s resources
dedicated to rebuilding a failed disk when a rebuild is
necessary. For more information, see Set Rebuild Rate.
NOTE: Revertible Hot Spare operation has the same rebuild
rate that you set here.
BGI Rate The background initialization (BGI) rate is the percentage of
the system’s resources dedicated to performing the
background initialization of a virtual disk after it is created.
For more information, see Set Background Initialization Rate.
Check Consistency
The check consistency rate is the percentage of the system’s
resources dedicated to performing a check consistency on a
redundant virtual disk. For more information, see Check
Reconstruct Rate The reconstruct rate is the percentage of the system’s
resources dedicated to reconstructing a disk group after
adding a physical disk or changing the RAID level of a virtual
disk residing on the disk group. For more information, see Set
Reconstruct Rate.
Alarm State This property displays whether the controller’s alarm is
enabled or disabled.
NOTE: This property is displayed only for SCSI storage
Abort check
consistency on error
This property enables you to stop the Check Consistency
operation on error rather than continuing. This property is
available only on controllers that have controller firmware
version 6.1 and later.
Allow Revertible Hot
Spare and Replace
This property enables the automatic copying of data from a
physical disk to a hot spare (in case of predictive failure) or
from a hot spare to a physical disk (in case of replacement of a
degraded disk). For more information, see Revertible Hot
Loadbalance This property provides the ability to automatically use both
controller ports or connectors connected to the same
enclosure to route I/O requests. This property is available only
on SAS controllers that have controller firmware version 6.1
and later. For more information, see Redundant path view.
Property Definition