Install Guide

How do I complete the installation if it is aborted during the
x86 to x64 upgrade install?
If the uninstall operation is aborted, some of the Server Administrator component tree objects may not appear. To resolve this issue, Server
Administrator installation must be repaired. Go to Start > Settings > Control panel > Add Remove Programs. Select Change on the
Server Administrator installation and select the Repair option.
How do I x a faulty installation of Server Administrator?
You can x a faulty installation by forcing a reinstall and then performing an uninstall of Server Administrator. To force a reinstall:
1 Find out the version of Server Administrator that was previously installed.
2 Download the installation package for that version.
3 Locate <SysMgmtx64>.msi and enter the following command at the command prompt to force a reinstall.
msiexec /i SysMgmtx64.msi REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus
4 Select Custom Setup and choose all the features that were originally installed. If you are not sure which features were installed, select
all of them and perform the installation.
NOTE: If you installed Server Administrator in a non-default directory, make sure to change it in Custom Setup as well.
Once the application is installed, you can uninstall it from Add/Remove Programs.
What do I do when the creation of WinRM listener fails with
the following error message?
The CertificateThumbprint property must be empty when the SSL configuration will be shared with
another service
This error occurs when the Internet Information Server (IIS) is already installed and congured for HTTPS communication. Details about
coexistence of IIS and WinRM is available at
In this case, use the following command to create a HTTPS Listener with the CerticateThumbprint empty:
winrm create winrm/config/Listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTPS
What are the rewall-related conguration that needs to be
done for WinRM?
With rewall turned ON, WinRM must be added to the rewall exclusion list to allow TCP port 443 for HTTPS trac.
Frequently Asked Questions