Owners Manual

If you experience a problem with your computer, run the ePSA diagnostics before contacting Dell for technical
assistance. The purpose of running diagnostics is to test your computer's hardware without requiring additional
equipment or risking data loss. If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, service and support personnel can use the
diagnostics results to help you solve the problem.
NOTE: Before proceeding download and install the latest BIOS version from support.dell.com
 ePSA (
) 
 ePSA 
BIOS 
 BIOS 
 
 :
 
: 
 
: 
 
2.   <F12> 
Dell 
3.   Diagnostics ()
 Enhanced Pre-boot System Assessment (
) 
 
4. 
  <Esc> 
 Yes (
) 
5. 
 
 Run Tests ()
6.  
Power Supply Built in Self-Test
This computer comes equipped with a power supply built in self-test (BIST) that helps in troubleshooting.
All power supply units include a self-test ability in an isolation mode. A test button and LED are on the top of the unit
where the power connector is located.