
Appendix D
Matlab 6.1
D.1 Preparation
Before we can start installing Matlab 6.1, some settings in Debian need to be changed. First of all
it has to be possible to start programs from CD. Open /etc/fstab in any text-editor. In the same
line as /dev/cdrom add the option exec.
/dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 ro,user,noauto,exec 0 0
It is now possible to mount a CD with the command mount /dev/cdrom.
Next the package locales has to be reconfigured with the command:
dpkg-reconfigure locales
Choose for locales:
en_US ISO-8859-1
en_US ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
Leave the standard locale as it is with leave alone.
D.2 Installation
Now we can start installing Matlab 6.5. Mount the Matlab-CD with the command:
mount /dev/cdrom
Copy the license-file to the installation directory so we can make use off the stand-alone license. This
can be any directory, hereafter we use /usr/local/matlab6p1. Create this and a subdirectory
mkdir /usr/local/matlab6p1
mkdir /usr/local/matlab6p1/etc
and copy from CD the file license.dat to /usr/local/matlab6p1/etc with
cp /cdrom/crack/license.dat /usr/local/matlab6p1/etc/
Next start the Matlab installer with
/cdrom/install &
Use for root directory of the Matlab installation /usr/local/matlab6p5. Customize the parts you
want to be installed, but choose at least:
Matlab Toolbox
Matlab Kernel