User`s guide

Table Of Contents
4. Remove the computer stand, if it is attached.
5. Open the computer cover.
6. Press the lever on the card retention arm and raise the retention arm.
7. If necessary, disconnect any cables connected to the card.
8. Grasp the card by its top corners, and ease it out of its connector.
9. If you are removing the card permanently, install a filler bracket in the empty card-slot opening.
If you need a filler bracket, contact Dell.
NOTE: Installing filler brackets over empty card-slot openings is necessary to maintain FCC certification of the
computer. The brackets also keep dust and dirt out of your computer.
10. Lower the retention arm and press it into place.
NOTICE: To connect a network cable, first plug the cable into the network wall jack, and then plug it into the
11. Close the computer cover, reconnect the computer and devices to their electrical outlets, and turn them on.
After you open and close the cover, the chassis intrusion detector, if enabled, causes the following message to appear
on the screen at the next computer start-up:
ALERT! Cover was previously removed.
12. Reset the chassis intrusion detector
by changing Chassis Intrusion to Enabled or Enabled-Silent.
NOTE: If a setup password has been assigned by someone else, contact your network administrator for
information on resetting the chassis intrusion detector.
13. Remove the card's driver from the operating system.
Serial Port Adapters
Installing a Serial Port Adapter
CAUTION: Before you perform this procedure, see "CAUTION: Safety Instructions."
1. Perform an orderly computer shutdown using the operating system menu.
NOTICE: To disconnect a network cable, first unplug the cable from your computer, and then unplug it from the
network wall jack.
2. Turn off any attached devices and disconnect them from their electrical outlets.
3. Disconnect the computer power cable from the wall outlet, and then press the power button to ground the system
4. Remove the computer stand
, if it is attached.
5. Open the computer cover.
6. Lift the tab on the card retention arm and raise the retention arm (see "Raising the Retention Arm