White Papers

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The order option is relevant in the context of the Policy QoS feature only. The following applies:
The seq sequence-number command is applicable only in an ACL group.
The order option works across ACL groups that are applied on an interface via the QoS policy
The order option takes precedence over seq sequence-number.
If you do not configure sequence-number, the rules with the same order value are ordered
according to their configuration order.
If you configure sequence-number, the sequence-number is used as a tie breaker for rules with the
same order.
deny configure a filter to drop packets.
permit configure a filter to forward packets.
Extended IP ACL Commands
When an ACL is created without any rule and then applied to an interface, ACL behavior reflects an implicit permit.
The following commands configure extended IP ACLs, which in addition to the IP address, also examine the packets protocol
The platform supports both Ingress and Egress IP ACLs.
NOTE: Also refer to the Commands Common to all ACL Types and Common IP ACL Commands sections.
Configure a filter that drops IP packets meeting the filter criteria.
deny {ip | ip-protocol-number} {source mask | any | host ip-address}
{destination mask | any | host ip-address} [ttl operator][count [byte] |
log] [dscp value] [order] [monitor] [fragments] [no-drop]
To remove this filter, you have two choices:
Use the no seq sequence-number command if you know the filters sequence number.
Use the no deny {ip | ip-protocol-number} {source mask | any | host ip-
address} {destination mask | any | host ip-address} command.
ip Enter the keyword ip to configure a generic IP access list. The keyword ip
specifies that the access list denies all IP protocols.
Enter a number from 0 to 255 to deny based on the protocol identified in the IP
protocol header.
Enter the IP address of the network or host from which the packets were sent.
Enter a network mask in /prefix format (/x) or A.B.C.D. The mask, when specified
in A.B.C.D format, may be either contiguous or noncontiguous.
any Enter the keyword any to specify that all routes are subject to the filter.
Enter the keyword host then the IP address to specify a host IP address.
Enter the IP address of the network or host to which the packets are sent.
ttl Enter the keyword ttl to deny a packet based on the time to live value. The range
is from 1 to 255.
Enter one of the following logical operand:
eq(equal to) matches packets that contain a ttl value that is equal to the
specified ttl value.
neq(not equal to) matches packets that contain a ttl value that is not equal
to the specified ttl value.
Access Control Lists (ACL) 193