White Papers

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Port-channel 1, IPv4 VRID: 1, Version: 2, Net:
VRF: 2 vrf2
State: Master, Priority: 100, Master: (local)
Hold Down: 0 sec, Preempt: TRUE, AdvInt: 1 sec
Adv rcvd: 0, Bad pkts rcvd: 0, Adv sent: 419, Gratuitous ARP sent: 1
Virtual MAC address:
Virtual IP address:
Authentication: (none)
VRRP for IPv6 Configuration
This section shows VRRP IPv6 topology with CLI configurations.
Consider an example VRRP for IPv6 configuration in which the IPv6 VRRP group consists of two routers.
Figure 175. VRRP for IPv6 Topology
This example does not contain comprehensive directions and is intended to provide guidance for only a typical VRRP
configuration. You can copy and paste from the example to your CLI. Be sure you make the necessary changes to support
your own IP addresses, interfaces, names, and so on.
1072 Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)