White Papers

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Sharing CAM space between IPv4 QoS and IPv6 ACLs
To share CAM space between IPv4 QoS and IPv6 ACLs, follow these steps.
1. Convert the IPv6 ACL CAM to double-wide.
feature ipv6acloptimized
You can use the no feature ipv6acloptimized command to disable this feature.
2. Configure the cam-acl such that the IPV6 ACL is in multiples of 2.
cam-acl l2acl 0 ipv4acl 0 ipv6acl 8 ipv4qos 0 l2qos 0 l2pt 0 ipmacacl 1 vman-qos 0
Set either the ipv4qos or ipv6acl option to zero.
3. Use the following command.
cam-sharing ipv4qos value ipv6acl value
Enter the value in percentage.
4. Save the running-configuration.
EXEC Privilege mode
copy running-config startup-config
5. Reload the system.
EXEC Privilege mode
Content Addressable Memory (CAM)