Concept Guide

Table Of Contents
Applying an IP ACL
Configure Ingress ACLs
Configure Egress ACLs
IP Prefix Lists
ACL Remarks
ACL Resequencing
Route Maps
Logging of ACL Processes
Flow-Based Monitoring
IP Access Control Lists (ACLs)
In Dell EMC Networking switch/routers, you can create two different types of IP ACLs: standard or extended.
A standard ACL filters packets based on the source IP packet. An extended ACL filters traffic based on the following criteria:
IP protocol number
Source IP address
Destination IP address
Source TCP port number
Destination TCP port number
Source UDP port number
Destination UDP port number
For more information about ACL options, refer to the Dell EMC Networking OS Command Reference Guide.
For extended ACL, TCP, and UDP filters, you can match criteria on specific or ranges of TCP or UDP ports. For extended ACL
TCP filters, you can also match criteria on established TCP sessions.
When creating an access list, the sequence of the filters is important. You have a choice of assigning sequence numbers to
the filters as you enter them, or the Dell EMC Networking Operating System (OS) assigns numbers in the order the filters
are created. The sequence numbers are listed in the display output of the show config and show ip accounting
access-list commands.
Ingress and egress Hot Lock ACLs allow you to append or delete new rules into an existing ACL (already written into CAM)
without disrupting traffic flow. Existing entries in the CAM are shuffled to accommodate the new entries. Hot lock ACLs are
enabled by default and support both standard and extended ACLs and on all platforms.
NOTE: Hot lock ACLs are supported for Ingress ACLs only.
CAM Usage
The following section describes CAM allocation and CAM optimization.
User Configurable CAM Allocation
CAM Optimization
User Configurable CAM Allocation
Allocate space for IPV6 ACLs by using the cam-acl command in CONFIGURATION mode.
The CAM space is allotted in filter processor (FP) blocks. The total space allocated must equal 13 FP blocks. (There are 16 FP
blocks, but System Flow requires three blocks that cannot be reallocated.)
Enter the ipv6acl allocation as a factor of 2 (2, 4, 6, 8, 10). All other profile allocations can use either even or odd numbered
If you want to configure ACL's on VRF instances, you must allocate a CAM region using the vrfv4acl option in the cam-acl
Save the new CAM settings to the startup-config (use write-mem or copy run start) then reload the system for the new
settings to take effect.
Access Control Lists (ACLs)