Concept Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 74. RADIUS Accounting Stop Record Attributes for dot1x supplicant (continued)
RADIUS Attribute code RADIUS Attribute Description
1 User-Name User name/ Supplicant MAC Address (for MAB).
5 NAS-Port Port on which session is terminated.
6 Service-Type Framed (2) for EAP /Call check (10) for MAB.
8 Framed-IP-Address IPv4 address of supplicant.
168 Framed-IPV6-Address IPv6 address of supplicant.
30 Called-Station-Id Switch MAC Address.
31 Calling-Station-Id Supplicant MAC Address.
Accounting Attributes
40 Acct-Status-Type STOP
44 Acct-Session-Id <Supplicant MAC> | Running number
50 Acct-Multi-Session-Id <Supplicant MAC>|<Switch MAC>|<Timestamp>
51 Acct-Link-Count 1
46 Acct-Session Time Time the user has received the service.
49 Acct-Terminate-Cause Reason for session termination.
61 NAS-Port-Type Ethernet
NOTE: During the administrative initiated reload and system failover events, the accounting Stop records for the 802.1x
authorized supplicants are not sent to RADIUS server.
Table 75. Use cases for dot1x supplicant to trigger RADIUS Accounting Start/Stop records
dot1x event Accounting type Attributes
Dot1x user authentication success Start Start record attributes for dot1x supplicant.
Dot1x user logoff Stop Stop record attributes with termination cause as
User Request (1).
Dot1x Supplicant de-auth due to
link down
Stop Stop record attributes with termination cause as
Lost carrier (2).
Dot1x Supp De-Auth due to
supplicant shutdown
Stop Stop record attributes with termination cause as
Lost carrier (2).
Administrative shut of dot1x
authorized interface
Stop Stop record attributes with termination cause as
Lost carrier (2).
CLI user session disconnects due
to dynamic authorization (CoA
port bounce/session termination/
VLAN change)
Stop Stop record attributes with termination cause as
Admin Reset (6).
Deauthorization due to VLAN
Stop Stop record attributes with termination cause as
Admin Reset (6).
CLI configuration of the dot1x
authorized port to mab-only auth-
Stop Stop record attributes with termination cause as
port-reinitialized (21).
Configure Port control to force
Stop Stop record attributes with termination cause as
port-reinitialized (21).
Interface Host mode change
Stop Stop record attributes with termination cause as
port-reinitialized (21).
708 Security