
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for items in the Switch/Firmware page.
Console#copy tftp file
TFTP server ip address:
Choose file type:
1. config: 2. opcode: <1-2>: 2
Source file name: runtime
Destination file name: 0126.bix
From the Configuration page you can save and restore switch configuration settings.
The Configuration page contains the following editable fields:
l Transfer Configuration to Server Copies a switch configuration file to a TFTP server
l Transfer Configuration from Server Copies a switch configuration file from a TFTP server
l Remove Configuration File Deletes a configuration file from the switch (selected from the drop-down menu)
l Start-Up Configuration File Selects the configuration file to be used after a system start-up (selected from the drop-down menu)
l Copy Running Config to File Saves the current session configuration settings and specifies either a new filename or the name of an existing file to
be replaced
Transferring a Configuration File to a Server
1. In the Transfer Configuration File to Server field, enter the IP address of the TFTP server in the TFTP Server IP Address field.
2. In the Source File Name field, select the configuration file to upload from the drop- down menu.
3. For the Destination File Name, type a filename to identify the configuration file on the TFTP server.
4. Click Transfer to Server.
Transferring a Configuration File from a Server
copy tftp file
Downloads a code image to the switch's flash memory from a TFTP server
boot system {boot-rom | config | opcode}: filename
Specifies the file or image used to start up the system
dir [boot-rom | config | opcode [:filename]]
Displays a list of files in flash memory
NOTE: You cannot upload and download Boot-ROM files to a TFTP server using the CLI. You must use a direct terminal connection to the switch's
console port and press <Ctrl><f> after the diagnostic test results. See "Downloading Firmware Through the Console Port."
NOTE: The switch is shipped with one default configuration file (Factory_Default_
Config.cfg) installed, which is set as the start-up file. This file cannot be removed from the system.
NOTICE: For configuration changes to persist beyond the current session, you must save the running-config file from this page, or use the CLI
command copy running-config startup-config.