
4.4 MIB Entries in Detail
4.4.1 OP-TYPE
MIB Entry: Operation Type
Index: 2.1
Label: OP-TYPE
Description: OP-TYPE reports the current operation type. If no operation is
in progress, it indicates the idle state.
Response Format: <Operation Type>
Response Element Type and Size Description
Operation Type (ASCII-11-A) One of “Idle”, “Initialize”, “Record”, “Copy”,
“Dump”, “Down”, “Synchronize”.
Operation Type Meaning
“Idle” The system is not currently performing any operation.
“Initialize” The system is currently being initialized.
“Record” The system is currently recording data.
“Copy” The system is currently offloading a single region of
recorded data to external storage.
“Dump” The system is currently offloading blocks of recorded
data to external storage.
“Down” Internal storage is currently offline due to a DWN com-
mand having been issued.
“Synchronize” The system is currently synchronizing time with sta-
tion NTP server time.
4.4.2 OP-START
MIB Entry: Current Operation Start-time
Index: 2.2.1
Description: OP-START reports the time at which the current operation began.
This MIB entry is not valid if the current operation (as reported
by MIB 2.1 Operation Type) is “Idle”, or “Down”.
Response Format: <Start MJD>’<Start MPM>
Response Element Type and Size Description
Start MJD (ASCII-6-#) MJD at which the operation began.
Start MPM (ASCII-9-#) MPM at which the operation began.