User's Manual

n info – information symbol
n note (or arrow) – right-pointing arrow
n ClearPass Guest – ClearPass Guest logo
n ok (or tick) – green tick mark
n warn (or warning) – warning symbol
n wait – animated spinner
If noindent=1” is specified, the block is not indented using the ‘nwaIndent’ style. If novspace=1” is specified,
the block uses a ‘DIV’ element, rather than a ‘P’ element. If neither icon” nor type” is supplied, the default
behavior is to insert an info” type image. Specifying a “type” is equivalent to specifying an icon", “width",
“height” and alt” parameter, and may also include a class” depending on the type selected.
Usage example:
{nwa_icontext struct=$error}{/nwa_icontext}
The struct” parameter, if specified, uses a standard result type. If the error” key is set and non-zero, the type
parameter is set to the value error, and the message” key is converted to a HTML formatted error message for
{nwa_quotejs} … {/nwa_quotejs}
Smarty registered block function. Quotes its content in a string format suitable for use in JavaScript. This
function also translates UTF-8 sequences into the corresponding JavaScript Unicode escape sequence (\uXXXX)
Usage example:
{nwa_quotejs}String with ' and "{/nwaquote_js}
The output of this will be:
'String with \' and \"'
The body” parameter, if set, indicates that the string quotes are already supplied; in this case the beginning
and ending quotes are not included in the output.
{nwa_radius_query _method=MethodName _assign=var …}
Smarty registered template function. Performs accounting-based queries on the RADIUS server and returns
the result for use in a template.
Usage example:
{nwa_radius_query _method=GetCallingStationTraffic
from_time=86400 in_out=out _assign=total_traffic}
This example uses the GetCallingStationTraffic query function and passes the callingstationid”, from_
time” and in_out” parameters. The result is assigned to a template variable called total_traffic, and will not
generate any output.
This template function accepts the following parameters to select a RADIUS database and other connection
l _db – ID of the RADIUS database service handler (this parameter is optional, the default service handler will
be used if it not set)
l _debug – Set to a nonzero value to enable debugging
l _quiet – Set to a nonzero value to inhibit warning/error messages
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide Reference | 485