User's Manual

{nwa_nav} … {/nwa_nav}
Smarty registered block function. Defines a block area for navigation, a control, or generates navigation control
HTML of a particular type.
Blocks are individual components of the navigation area, which basically consist of HTML. Blocks for actual
navigation items have substitution tags in the form @tagname@.
The recognized tags are described in the table below.
Tag Description
@a@ <a href="navigation_href">navigation name</a>
@name@ navigation item name (HTML safe)
@jsname@ navigation item name (JavaScript quoted)
@href@ navigation item hyperlink
@jshref@ navigation item hyperlink (JavaScript quoted)
@icon@ navigation item icon, if specified
Table 115: Navigation Tags
When used with the block” parameter, the {nwa_nav} control does not generate any HTML. When used with
the type” parameter, the {nwa_nav} control uses the previously defined blocks to generate the HTML
navigation area. The following types are recognized:
l simple – Only the current L1 item has L2 items, L3 only when L2 active
l all-l1 – All current L1 items are shown to L3, otherwise L1 only
l expanded – All L1 items have L2 items, L3 only when L2 active
l all-expanded – All items shown to L3
The reset” parameter may be specified to clear any existing navigation settings.
Usage example:
{nwa_nav block=level1_active}<li class="active">@a@</li>{/nwa_nav}{nwa_nav block=level1_
inactive}<li>@a@</li>{/nwa_nav}...{nwa_nav type=simple}{/nwa_nav} {* this generates the
Block types can be one of the following types:
l enter_level1_item
l enter_level2_item
l enter_level3_item
l exit_level1_item
l exit_level2_item
l exit_level3_item
l between_level1_items
l between_level2_items
l between_level3_items
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide Reference | 493