User's Manual

l $upper specifies the minimum number of uppercase characters to include, or -1 to not use any uppercase
l $digit specifies the minimum number of digits to include, or -1 to not use any digits.
l $symbol specifies the minimum number of symbol characters to include, or -1 to not use any symbol or
punctuation characters.
Generates an alpha-numeric password of $len characters in length consisting of lowercase letters and digits.
Generates a password of $len characters in length consisting of lowercase letters.
NwaMoneyFormat($amount, $format = null)
Formats a monetary amount for display purposes. The current page language is used to adjust formatting to
the country specified. Returns a result that is guaranteed to be in UTF-8.
The $format argument may be null, to specify the default behavior (U.S. English format), or it may be a
pattern string containing the following:
l currency symbol (prefix)
l thousands separator
l decimal point
l number of decimal places
The format “€1.000,00” uses the Euro sign as the currency symbol, .” as the thousands separator, ,” as the
decimal point, and 2 decimal places.
If not specified explicitly, the default format is $1,000.00.
NwaParseCsv($text, $options = null)
Parses text containing comma-separated values and returns the result as a list of records, where each record
contains a list of fields. Supports CSV escaping using double quotes.
$options may be specified to control additional parsing options described in the table below.
Function Description
fs The field separator character (default is comma “,”)
rs The record separator character (default is newline “\n”)
quo The quote character (default is double quote ")
If true, recognize ="..." syntax as well as "..." (default true)
Table 118: Parsing Options
Dell Networking W-ClearPass Guest 6.4 | User Guide Reference | 501