Messages Reference Guide

30 | System Messages Dell Networking W-Series Instant Access Point | Syslog Messages Reference Guide
311016 Unable to create domain list file
Description: Internal error occured while accessing domain lists file.
311017 Error occured while resolving IP’s for domains
Description: Internal error occured while resolving the domain names
Recommended Action: Contact your support provider
311018 Unable to read domain results file
Description: Internal error occured while processing the domain results file
Recommended Action: Contact your support provider
311019 Unable to generate certificate signing request (CSR). AP will reboot.
Description: The access point was unable to generate a certificate signing
request (CSR).
Recommended Action: Contact your support provider
311020 An internal system error has occurred at file [file:%s] function [function:%s] line [line:%d]
error [error:%s].
Description: This log indicates that we encountered an internal system error.
Recommended Action: Contact your support provider
311021 An internal system error has occurred at file [file:%s] function [function:%s] line [line:%d]
error [error:%s].
Description: This log indicates that we encountered an internal system error.
Recommended Action: Contact your support provider
311022 Error allocating memory at file [file:%s] function [function:%s] line [line:%d]. Allocating
[bytes:%d] bytes.
Description: System failed to allocate memory at the specified location
Recommended Action: Use the show memory and the show process commands to
monitor memory usage. If the problem persist, contact your support provider
311023 Error allocating memory at file [file:%s] function [function:%s] line [line:%d]. Allocating
[bytes:%d] bytes.
Description: System failed to allocate memory at the specified location
Recommended Action: Use the show memory and the show process commands to
monitor memory usage. If the problem persist, contact your support provider
326054 AM: read error - [recvlen:%d]
Description: No description available.
326055 AM: Received frame of size 0 from driver: Is-RX=[rx:%d] BufLen= [buf_len:%d]
Description: No description available.
326063 AM: INET not configured in this system
Description: No description available.
326068 AM: Cannot retrieve ARP info
Description: No description available.
Table 13 Error System Messages (Continued)
Message ID Message and Description