Messages Reference Guide

Dell Networking W-Series Instant Access Point | Syslog Messages Reference Guide System Messages | 53
304051 In-memory client blacklist table cleared.
Description: This log indicates that the in-memory client blacklist was cleared.
304052 Client blacklist database table cleared.
Description: This log indicates that the client blacklist database table was cleared.
304053 Client blacklist repopulated from database.
Description: This log indicates that the in-memory client blacklist was repopulated
from the database.
304059 [func:%s], [line:%d]: sap_ip: [sapip:%s], tunnel_ip: [tunnelip:%s], tunnel id:
Description: This debugging log indicates the tunnel id returned from datapath.
304061 [func:%s], [line:%d]: add [add:%d] mcast_group [group:%x] dest_idx: [dest:%x]
Description: This debugging log indicates the multicast group and destination index.
304066 [func:%s]: [line:%d]: vlan [id:%d] has [user:%d] users
Description: Count user number from a specified vlan.
311008 [msg:%s]
Description: No description available.
311009 [msg:%s]
Description: No description available.
326001 AM: [msg:%s]
Description: No description available.
326076 AM: Sending Probe Poll Response V2: NumAPs=[num_aps:%d]
NumSTAs=[num_sta:%d] Len=[bl:%d]
Description: No description available.
326081 AM: Processing WMS_MODE message
Description: No description available.
326086 AM: Sending Probe Register Message to : [ip:%s]
Description: No description available.
326087 AM: Sending Probe UnRegister Message to : [ip:%s]
Description: No description available.
326090 AM: message len [node_bl:%d]
Description: No description available.
326092 AM: [line:%d]: Sending PROBE_STATS_UPDATE_MESSAGE for STAs of length [bl:%d]
Description: No description available.
326093 AM: [line:%d]: Sending STM_AP_STATS_UPDATE for STAs of length [bl:%d]
Description: No description available.
326094 AM:SM: Sending Spectrum Register Message for radio [r:%d] band [band:%s] to
Description: This log indicates that spectrum radio is registering with the controller.
Table 17 Debug System Messages (Continued)
Message ID Message and Description