Users Guide

1-4-1 Address line failure in the first 64 KB of
main memory
Faulty or improperly seated DIMM
1-4-2 Parity failure in the first 64 KB of main
Faulty or improperly seated DIMM
2-1-1 through
Bit failure in the first 64 KB of main memory Faulty or improperly seated DIMM
3-1-1 Slave DMA-register failure Defective system board
3-1-2 Master DMA-register failure Defective system board
3-1-3 Master interrupt-mask register failure Defective system board
3-1-4 Slave interrupt-mask register failure Defective system board
3-2-4 Keyboard-controller test failure Faulty keyboard controller (defective system board)
3-3-4 Screen initialization failure
Faulty video subsystem (defective graphics adapter
3-4-1 Screen-retrace test failure
Faulty video subsystem (defective graphics adapter
3-4-2 Search for video ROM failure
Faulty video subsystem (defective graphics adapter
4-2-1 No timer tick Defective system board
4-2-2 Shutdown failure Defective system board
4-2-3 Gate A20 failure Defective system board
4-2-4 Unexpected interrupt in protected mode Defective system board
4-3-1 Memory failure above address 0FFFFh Faulty or improperly seated DIMMs
4-3-3 Timer-chip counter 2 failure Defective system board
4-3-4 Time-of-day clock stopped Bad battery or defective system board
4-4-1 Serial/parallel port test failure Faulty I/O chip (defective system board)
NOTE: For the full name of an abbreviation or acronym used in this table, see Abbreviations and Acronyms
Warning Messages
A warning message alerts you to a possible problem and asks you to take corrective action before the system continues a
task. For example, before you format a diskette, a message may warn you that you may lose all data on the diskette, as
a way to protect against inadvertently erasing or writing over the data. These warning messages usually interrupt the
procedure and require you to respond by typing y (yes) or n (no).
NOTE: Warning messages are generated by either the application program or the operating system. See Finding
Software Solutions and the documentation that accompanied the operating system and application program for
more information on warning messages.