Users Guide

2-8 Installation and Troubleshooting Guide
Table 2-2 describes the function of the three front-panel switches.
System Setup Program
NOTE: You must connect a keyboard and monitor to perform this procedure.
You can easily correct certain system problems by verifying the correct settings in the
System Setup program. When you boot the system, the system checks the system
configuration information and compares it with the current hardware configuration. If
the system hardware configuration does not match the information recorded by the
System Setup program, an error message may appear on the screen.
This problem can happen if you changed the system's hardware configuration and
forgot to run the System Setup program. To correct this problem, enter the System
Setup program, correct the corresponding System Setup setting, and reboot the
system. See “Using the System Setup Program,” in the User's Guide for detailed
instructions on using the System Setup program.
Table 2-2. Front-Panel Switches
Switch Function
Power switch Powers the system on or off.
NOTE: To power off the system, press and hold this
switch for at least 4 seconds.
Sleep switch Places the system in sleep mode.
Reset switch Reboots the system. If the system locks up and you
cannot shut down the system normally, press the
reset switch. Page 8 Wednesday, August 12, 2015 12:40 PM