Reference Guide

iDRAC Property Database Group and Object
The iDRAC property database contains the conguration information for iDRAC. Associated object is organizing data, and object
group is organizing object. The IDs for the groups and objects that the property database supports are listed in this section for
iDRAC Enterprise on Blade Servers and iDRAC Enterprise or Express on Rack and Tower Servers.
To congure iDRAC, use the group and object IDs with the RACADM subcommands.
NOTE: You can congure a setting that does not have a hash symbol (#) as the prex in its output name. To modify a
congurable object, use the -o option.
NOTE: Racadm sets the value of objects without performing any functional validation on them. For example, RACADM
allows you to set the Certicate Validation object to 1 with the Active Directory object set to 0, even though Certicate
Validation can happen only if Active Directory is enabled. Similarly, the cfgADSSOEnable object can be set to 0 or 1 even
if the cfgADEnable object is 0, but it takes eect only if Active Directory is enabled.
All string values are limited to displayable ASCII characters, except where otherwise noted.
Displayable Characters
Displayable characters include the following set:
The following table provides an overview of the object groups applicable for iDRAC Enterprise on Blade Servers and iDRAC on Rack
and Tower Servers.
iDRAC on Blade Servers iDRAC on Rack and Tower Servers
idRacInfo Yes Yes
cfgRemoteHosts Yes Yes
cfgUserAdmin Yes Yes
cfgSessionManagement Yes Yes
cfgSerial Yes Yes
cfgOobSnmp Yes Yes