Reference Guide

While entering an attribute value that is more than one word, ensure that you enclose the attribute value within single
quotation marks in the set command.
racadm>>set system.thermalsettings.ThermalProfile 'Maximum performance'
racadm set system.thermalsettings.ThermalProfile 'Maximum performance'
Object value modified successfully
The staged conguration has the associated pending value in the output of the get operation, after it is congured
The object values in the BIOS and NIC groups are case-sensitive.
For NIC objects, the denition of the key format is: Key = <Device Class>.<Locator>.<Device Number>—
<Port Number>[-<Partition Number>]#GroupName” where,
Device Class: NIC
Locator: Integrated, Slot, Mezzanine or Embedded
$racadm get NIC.NICConfig
NIC.NICConfig.1 [Key=NIC.Integrated.1-1#NICConfig]
NIC.NICConfig.2 [Key=NIC.Integrated.1-2#NICConfig]
NIC.NICConfig.3 [Key=NIC.Integrated.1-3#NICConfig]
NIC.NICConfig.4 [Key=NIC.Integrated.1-4#NICConfig]
The link between the NIC instance and the corresponding key varies from system to system depending on the system
The command racadm help provides a list of all the attributes along with the description.
To view the help details of group level, enter the following command: racadm help <group name>
$racadm help NIC.NICConfig
NICConfig -- (null)
These are the objects supported by the group
BannerMessageTimeout -- Specify the number of seconds that the OptionROM banner
is displayed during POST.
Usage -- Values from 0 - 14
Required License -- RACADM
Dependency -- None
BootOptionROM -- Controls the enablement of legacy Boot Protocols in the
Option ROM.
Usage -- Enabled; Disabled
Required License -- RACADM
Dependency -- None
BootRetryCnt -- Specify the number of retries to attempt in case of
boot failure.
Usage -- NoRetry - 0;1Retry - 1; 2Retries - 2;3Retries -
3;4Retries - 4; 5Retries - 5;6Retries- 6; IndefiniteRetries, Default - NoRetry
Required License -- RACADM
Dependency -- None
BootStrapType -- Specify the boot strap method used to boot to the
operating system.
Usage -- AutoDetect - 0;BBS - 1; Int18h - 2; Int19h- 3; Default
- AutoDetect
Required License -- RACADM
Dependency -- None
HideSetupPrompt -- Specifies whether to display or hide the legacy Option
ROM setup prompt during system Power On Self Test (POST).
Usage -- Enabled; Disabled; Default - Disabled
Required License -- RACADM
Dependency -- None
LegacyBootProto -- Select a non-UEFI network boot protocol
Usage -- PXE; iSCSI; FCoE; NONE; iSCSIPrimary; iSCSISecondary
Required License -- RACADM
Dependency -- None