Reference Guide

You cannot enter the values all or none with other notications. If incorrect notication is specied along
with other valid notications, the valid and invalid notication set is failed.
-r — Event generation interval. This option is applicable only to the temperature statistics subcategory
tmps. You can use this option as a stand-alone or with -n and -a.
NOTE: If both event generation interval and notications are congured and there is an error while
conguring the notications, the event generation interval is not set. The valid values are 0–365. 0
disables the event generation.
Display all available event lter congurations:
racadm eventfilters get -c idrac.alert.all
Display eventlter congurations for a specic category. For example, audit:
racadm eventfilters get -c idrac.alert.audit
Display eventlter congurations for a specic subcategory. For example, licensing under the audit
racadm eventfilters get -c idrac.alert.audit.lic
Display eventlter congurations for a specic severity. For example, warning under the audit category:
racadm eventfilters get -c idrac.alert.audit.warning
Display eventlter congurations for a specic severity and subcategory. For example, a severity of warning
in the subcategory licensing under audit category:
racadm eventfilters get -c idrac.alert.audit.lic.warning
Clear all available alert settings:
racadm eventfilters set -c idrac.alert.all -a none -n none
Congure using severity as a parameter. For example, all informational events in storage category are
assigned power o as action, and email and snmp as notications:
racadm eventfilters set -c -a poweroff -n
Congure using subcategory as a parameter. For example, all congurations under the licensing
subcategory in the audit category are assigned power o as action and all notications are enabled:
racadm eventfilters set -c idrac.alert.audit.lic -a poweroff -n all
Congure using subcategory and severity as parameters. For example, all information events under the
licensing subcategory in the audit category are assigned power o as action and all notications are
racadm eventfilters set -c -a poweroff -n none
Congure the event generation interval for temperature statistics:
racadm eventfilters set -c idrac.alert.system.tmps.warning -r 10
Congure the event generation interval and notications for temperature statistics:
racadm eventfilters set -c idrac.alert.system.tmps -r 5 -a none -n snmp
Send a test alert for the fan event:
racadm eventfilters test -i FAN0001
Displays a list of FCs (FQDDs), managed server for which statistics is available.
racadm fcstatistics <FC fqdd>
Input <FC fqdd> — Specify the FQDD of the target FC device.
racadm fcstatistics <FC fqdd>
Enables or disables the live-feed of the errors currently being displayed on the LCD screen.