Owners Manual

3. On the System Setup Main Menu screen, click System BIOS.
4. On the System BIOS screen, click Serial Communication.
Serial Communication details
About this task
The Serial Communication screen details are explained as follows:
Option Description
Serial Port
Enables you to set the port address for serial device. This field sets the serial port address to either
COM1 or COM2 (COM1=0x3F8, COM2=0x2F8).
NOTE: You can use only Serial Device 2 for the Serial Over LAN (SOL) feature. To use console
redirection by SOL, configure the same port address for console redirection and the serial device.
NOTE: Every time the system boots, the BIOS syncs the serial MUX setting saved in iDRAC. The
serial MUX setting can independently be changed in iDRAC. Loading the BIOS default settings from
within the BIOS setup utility may not always revert the serial MUX setting to the default setting of
Serial Device 1.
Failsafe Baud
Specifies the failsafe baud rate for console redirection. The BIOS attempts to determine the baud rate
automatically. This failsafe baud rate is used only if the attempt fails, and the value must not be changed.
This option is set to 115200 by default.
Remote Terminal
Enables you to set the remote console terminal type. This option is set to VT100/VT220 by default.
Redirection After
Enables or disables the BIOS console redirection when the operating system is loaded. This option is set
to Enabled by default.
System Profile Settings
You can use the System Profile Settings screen to enable specific system performance settings such as power management.
Viewing System Profile Settings
To view the System Profile Settings screen, perform the following steps:
1. Power on, or restart your system.
2. Press F2 immediately after you see the following message:
F2 = System Setup
If your operating system begins to load before you press F2, wait for the system to finish booting, and then
restart your system and try again.
3. On the System Setup Main Menu screen, click System BIOS.
4. On the System BIOS screen, click System Profile Settings.
System Profile Settings details
About this task
The System Profile Settings screen details are explained as follows:
Pre-operating system management applications