Reference Guide

6. In the Setup Password field, type your setup password and press Enter or Tab.
A message prompts you to reenter the setup password.
7. Reenter the setup password, and click OK.
8. Press Esc to return to the System BIOS screen. Press Esc again.
A message prompts you to save the changes.
NOTE: Password protection does not take effect until the system reboots.
Using your system password to secure the system
About this task
If you have assigned a setup password, the system accepts your setup password as an alternate system password.
1. Power on or reboot your system.
2. Type the system password and press Enter.
Next steps
When Password Status is set to Locked, type the system password and press Enter when prompted at reboot.
NOTE: If an incorrect system password is typed, the system displays a message and prompts you to reenter your password.
You have three attempts to type the correct password. After the third unsuccessful attempt, the system displays an error
message that the system has stopped functioning and must be turned off. Even after you turn off and restart the system,
the error message is displayed until the correct password is entered.
Deleting or changing system and setup password
NOTE: You cannot delete or change an existing system or setup password if the Password Status is set to Locked.
1. To enter System Setup, press F2 immediately after turning on or restarting your system.
2. On the System Setup Main Menu screen, click System BIOS > System Security.
3. On the System Security screen, ensure that Password Status is set to Unlocked.
4. In the System Password field, change or delete the existing system password, and then press Enter or Tab.
5. In the Setup Password field, alter or delete the existing setup password, and then press Enter or Tab.
If you change the system password or setup password, a message prompts you to reenter the new password. If
you delete the system password or setup password, a message prompts you to confirm the deletion.
6. Press Esc to return to the System BIOS screen. Press Esc again, and a message prompts you to save the changes.
7. Select Setup Password, change, or delete the existing setup password and press Enter or Tab.
If you change the system password or setup password, a message prompts you to reenter the new password. If
you delete the system password or setup password, a message prompts you to confirm the deletion.
Operating with setup password enabled
If Setup Password is set to Enabled, type the correct setup password before modifying the system setup options.
Pre-operating system management applications