Users Guide

Table Of Contents
- Ctrl+Alt+F3
- Ctrl+Alt+F4
- Ctrl+Alt+F5
- Ctrl+Alt+F6
- Ctrl+Alt+F7
- Ctrl+Alt+F8
- Ctrl+Alt+F9
- Ctrl+Alt+F10
- Ctrl+Alt+F11
- Ctrl+Alt+F12
- Alt+Tab
- Alt+ESC
- Ctrl+ESC
- Alt+Space
- Alt+Enter
- Alt+Hyphen
- Alt+F1
- Alt+F2
- Alt+F3
- Alt+F4
- Alt+F5
- Alt+F6
- Alt+F7
- Alt+F8
- Alt+F9
- Alt+F10
- Alt+F11
- Alt+F12
- PrntScrn
- Alt+PrntScrn
- F1
- Pause
- Tab
- Ctrl+Enter
- SysRq
- Alt+SysRq
- Win-P
Aspect Ratio The eHTML5 virtual console video image automatically adjusts the size to make the image visible. The
following configuration options are displayed as a drop-down list:
- Maintain
- Dont Maintain
Click Apply to apply the selected settings on the server.
Touch Mode The eHTML5 virtual console supports the Touch Mode feature. The following configuration options are
displayed as a drop-down list:
- Direct
- Relative
Click Apply to apply the selected settings on the server.
Virtual Clipboard - Virtual clipboard enables you to cut / copy / paste text buffer from virtual console to iDRAC host server. Host
server could be BIOS, UEFI or in OS prompt. This is a one-way action from client computer to iDRAC's host server only. Follow these
steps to use the Virtual clipboard:
Place the mouse cursor or keyboard focus on the desired window in the host server desktop.
Select the Console Controls menu from vConsole.
Copy the OS clipboard buffer using keyboard hotkeys, mouse, or touch pad controls depending on the Client OS. Or, you can type
the text manually in the text box.
Click Send Clipboard to Host.
Then, the text appears on the host server's active window.
配置并使用虚拟控制台 257