Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Plugin Management
A plugin is individually packaged in a DUP. Plugins do not get removed on iDRAC reboot, reset, or AC cycles, they can only be removed by
iDRAC sanitize operation or LC wipe operation. You can enable or disable the plugins. When enabled, plugins are only installed but not
To manage plugins from iDRAC GUI, go to iDARC Settings > Settings > Plugins.
NOTE: You must have Login privilege and Control and Configure Privilege to install, update, and remove the plugins. You can only
view the installed plugins with Login privilege.
Following are the information available in Plugin inventory:
Name Name of the plugin. Maximum number of characters-512
Version Version of Installed plugin
State Enabled / Disabled
Status Starting, Not Started, Running, Stopping, Updating, Stopped: Disabled, Stopped: Installed No Hardware, Stopped:
Installed Version Dependency, Stopped: Plugin Failure, Stopped: Internal Error Unknown Error, Stopped: Plugin Conflict.
Manufacture Name of the company, maximum 512characters
ReleaseDate Date of creation of DUP
SoftwareId Component ID
Installing/Upgrading plugin
1. Download Plugin from
2. Go to iDRAC Update page
3. Select Plugin DUP file
4. Install Plugin
NOTE: If a plugin is valid, a success message is shown after the plugin installed. If the hardware is not present, then an LC
message is logged indicating that Plugin is not started. If the plugin is invalid, an error message is displayed.
Remove Plugin
1. Go to Plugins page - iDARC Settings > Settings > Plugins
2. Select Uninstall/Remove
3. Plugin is then stopped and removed from iDRAC.
When a non-SDL (Non Supported Device List) card is installed, iDRAC cannot detect a SDK plugin. You need to manually find and install
the SDK plugin. iDRAC firmware downgrade can result in plugins being disabled or limited functionality.
NOTE: Installing, updating, or removing a plugin takes less than 5 minutes.
Plugin Management 83