Owners Manual

Particulate and gaseous contamination specifications
The following table defines the limitations that help avoid any damages to the IT equipment and/or, or both failure from
particulate and gaseous contamination. If the levels of particulate or gaseous pollution exceed the specified limitations and
results in equipment damage or failure, you must rectify the environmental conditions. Remediation of environmental conditions
is the responsibility of the customer.
Table 17. Particulate contamination specifications
Particulate contamination Specifications
Air filtration
Data center air filtration as defined by ISO Class 8 per ISO
14644-1 with a 95% upper confidence limit.
NOTE: This condition applies to data center environments
only. Air filtration requirements do not apply to IT
equipment designed to be used outside a data center, in
environments such as an office or factory floor.
NOTE: Air entering the data center must have MERV11 or
MERV13 filtration.
Conductive dust Air must be free of conductive dust, zinc whiskers, or other
conductive particles.
NOTE: This condition applies to data center and non-data
center environments.
Corrosive dust
Air must be free of corrosive dust.
Residual dust present in the air must have a deliquescent
point less than 60% relative humidity.
NOTE: This condition applies to data center and non-data
center environments.
Table 18. Gaseous contamination specifications
Gaseous contamination Specifications
Copper Coupon Corrosion rate <300 Å/month per Class G1 as defined by ANSI/
Silver Coupon Corrosion rate <200 Å/month as defined by ANSI/ISA71.04-2013
NOTE: Maximum corrosive contaminant levels measured at 50% relative humidity.
Thermal restrictions
1. Not available: Indicates that the configuration is not offered by Dell EMC.
2. Not supported: Indicates that the configuration is not thermally supported.
NOTE: All components including the DIMMs, communication cards, M.2 SATA, and PERC cards can be supported with
sufficient thermal margin if the ambient temperature is equal to or below the maximum continuous operating temperature
listed in these tables.
NOTE: Some of the system hardware configurations require a lowered upper temperature limit. For more information about
the operating temperature requirement, contact technical support.
NOTE: Some configurations require a lower ambient temperature. For more information, see the following tables.
The following tables list key restrictions on ambient temperature based on which CPU is configured in the system. All inlet
temperatures that are provided below are in continuous degrees centigrade.
Technical specifications