Owners Manual

Populate all the sockets with white release tabs first, followed by the black release tabs, and then the green release tabs.
When mixing memory modules with different capacities, populate the sockets with memory modules with highest capacity
first. For example, if you want to mix 4 GB and 8 GB memory modules, populate 8 GB memory modules in the sockets with
white release tabs and 4 GB memory modules in the sockets with black release tabs.
In a dual-processor configuration, the memory configuration for each processor should be identical. For example, if you
populate socket A1 for processor 1, then populate socket B1 for processor 2, and so on.
Memory modules of different capacities can be mixed provided other memory population rules are followed (for example, 4
GB and 8 GB memory modules can be mixed).
The memory module for DIMM sockets A3, A4, B3, and B4 need to be inserted 180° reverse with regard to the DIMMs in the
sockets A1, A2, B1, and B2.
Mixing of more than two memory module capacities in a system is not supported.
Populate four memory modules per processor (one DIMM per channel) at a time to maximize performance.
Table 24. Heat sinkprocessor configurations
Processor type (in
Heat sink width
Number of DIMMs
Maximum system
Availability, and
Serviceability (RAS)
Dual processor Up to 120 W 61 mm 8 8
Single processor
140 W 96 mm 4 4
120 W 61 mm 4 4
Related references
Mode-specific guidelines on page 57
Mode-specific guidelines
Four memory channels are allocated to each processor. The allowable configurations depend on the memory mode selected.
Advanced Error Correction Code (lockstep)
Advanced Error Correction Code (ECC) mode extends SDDC from x4 DRAM based DIMMs to both x4 and x8 DRAMs. This
protects against single DRAM chip failures during normal operation.
The installation guidelines for memory modules are as follows:
Memory modules must be identical in size, speed, and technology.
DIMMs installed in memory sockets with white release levers must be identical and the same rule applies for sockets with
black release levers. This ensures that identical DIMMs are installed in matched pair for example, A1 with A2, A3 with A4,
A5 with A6, and so on.
DIMMs installed in memory sockets with white release tabs must be identical and similar rule applies for sockets with black
release tabs. This ensures that identical DIMMs are installed in matched pairs- for example, A1 with A2, A3 with A4 and so
Table 25. Advanced ECC (Lockstep)
Processor Configuration Memory population rules Memory population information
Single CPU Advanced ECC
{1,2}, {3,4} Numbers inside the brackets indicate
the slots that must be populated in
pairs, odd amount of pairs allowed.
Dual CPU
NOTE: Populate
round robin
starting with CPU1
Advanced ECC
C1{1,2},C2{1,2},C1{3,4},C2{3,4}. Numbers inside the brackets indicate
the slots that must be populated in
pairs, odd amount of pairs allowed.
Installing and removing sled components 57