Users Guide

User Role Chassis
Compute Manager Storage Manager Fabric Manager Viewer
Updating device
Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Creating and
managing device
templates, identity
pools, and logical
Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Managing rmware
catalogs and baseline
Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Power budget
conguration and
Yes Yes No No No
Managing user sessions
You can view and terminate existing user sessions using the User Sessions page, if you have the chassis administrator privilege.
Viewing user sessions
On the Users page, click User Sessions.
You can view the list and details of the users who are logged in.
Terminating user sessions
1 On the Users page, click User Sessions.
You can view the details of the users who are logged in.
2 Select the user from the list and click Terminate.
A message is displayed prompting you to conrm the termination.
Importing Directory Group
You can import Active Directory groups and map them to the existing OME–Modular groups.
To import the Active Directory groups:
1 On the Users list page, click Import Directory Group.
The Import Directory window is displayed.
2 From the Directory Source drop-down, select the source from which you want to import the Active Directory.
3 Under Available Groups, you can search for directory groups.
The list of groups is displayed below.
4 Select a group and click ">>".
The selected group is displayed under Groups to be Imported.
5 Click the check box corresponding to the group.
6 From the Assign Group Role drop-down, select the role that you want to assign to the group and click Assign.
Logging in to OME-Modular