Users Guide

Job TypeTo view jobs based on the type. The available options are:
Debug Logs
Settings Update
Software Rollback
Device Action
Device Cong
Chassis Prole
MCM OBoarding
Prole Update
Quick Deploy
MCM OnBoarding
MCM Group
Last Run Start Date and Last Run End DateTo view jobs based on the last run period.
Selections made in the lters are applied at real time. To reset the lers click Clear All Filters.
Viewing job details
The Fabric Manager on-boarding is initiated when a Fabric Manager failover occurs in the IOM cluster. When a new Fabric Manager is
discovered, OME - Modular initiates the on-boarding process to reestablish communication with the IOM cluster. In certain scenarios,
multiple switchovers may occur within a short timespan resulting in failure of the tasks that are already in-progress. Only the last task is
completed successfully. Following are the scenarios when multiple switchovers could occur:
MM reset
MM upgrade or switchover
Inter-chassis link online insertion removal
MM online insertion removal
IOM Master upgrade
IOM Master reset
Fab-D congestions—Reasons for the congestion include downloading huge les that cause the FAB-D to drop other trac
To view the details of a job:
1 On the Jobs page, select the job of which you want to view the details.
A summary of the job is displayed on the right side of the Jobs page.
2 Click View Details.
The Job Details page is displayed.
The details including name, description, execution details, and the details of the system on which the job was run, are displayed.
On Job Details page, you can perform the following tasks:
Restart the job
Export details of the job in a .csv format to a local drive on your system or a network share
: The Restart option for the MCM onboarding task for adding a member chassis is disabled irrespective of the job
90 Monitoring audit logs