API Guide

Table Of Contents
"Description": "The event was not acknowledged"
Table 54. Attributes
Attribute name Description
Id ID of the alert status.
Name Name of the alert status
Description Description of the alert status.
This URI represents a specific alert status within the collection.
GET method for AlertStatuses(Id)
This method returns the details of alert statuses.
Description Returns details of a specific alert status.
Privilege VIEW
HTTP response
response body
"@odata.context": "/api/$metadata#AlertService.AlertStatus",
"@odata.type": "#AlertService.AlertStatus",
"@odata.id": "/api/AlertService/AlertStatuses(1000)",
"Id": 1000,
"Name": "Acknowledged",
"Description": "The event was acknowledged"
Table 55. Attributes
Attribute name Description
Id ID of the alert status
Name Name of the alert status
Description Description of the alert status
This URI represents the catalogs applicable to an event.
Table 56. Filters
Filter name Description
Top Top records to return. Default value is 100.
Skip Maximum records to skip. Default value is 0.
Id Filter by event ID. Default value is 0.
Alerts 121