API Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 67. Attributes
Attribute name Description
Id ID of the criteria.
PolicyId ID of policy with which the criteria is associated.
Parameter Any extra parameter that can be used in the criteria.
Value Expression that is used during policy evaluation with events.
Type ID of the criteria type.
TypeName Name of the criteria type.
ComparisonType ID of comparison type.
ComparisonTypeName Name of comparison type.
This URI represents a specific criteria for a specific policy.
GET method for PolicyCriteria(Arg2)
This method returns a specific criteria for a specific policy.
Returns a specific criteria for a specific policy
Privilege VIEW
HTTP response
response body
"@odata.context": "$metadata#AlertService.PolicyCriterion/$entity",
"@odata.id": "/api/AlertService/AlertPolicies(314)/PolicyCriteria(4)",
"Id": 4,
"PolicyId": 314,
"Parameter": "",
"Value": "(catalogName == 'iDRAC' AND categoryId==3300)
AND (severityType==1 OR severityType==2 OR severityType==4 OR
severityType==8 OR severityType==16)",
"Type": 3,
"TypeName": "EXPRESSION",
"ComparisonType": 3,
"ComparisonTypeName": "Equal"
Table 68. Attributes
Attribute name Description
Id ID of the criteria.
PolicyId ID of policy with which the criteria is associated.
Parameter Any extra parameter that can be used in the criteria.
Value Expression that is used during policy evaluation with events.
Type ID of the criteria type.
TypeName Name of the criteria type.
ComparisonType ID of comparison type.
Alerts 139