API Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 70. Attributes (continued)
Attribute name Description
Parameters Extra parameter that can be added to the action.
TemplateId ID of the action template associated with the action.
Id ID of the template.
Name Name of the template.
Description Additional description of the template.
Disabled Indicates if template is enabled or disabled.
ParameterDetails List of other parameter that the template can carry and apply.
This URI represents a specific action associated with a specific policy.
GET method for PolicyActions(Arg2)
This method returns a specific action associated with a specific policy.
Returns details of a specific action that a policy can trigger.
Privilege VIEW
HTTP response
response body
"@odata.context": "$metadata#AlertService.PolicyAction/$entity",
"@odata.id": "/api/AlertService/AlertPolicies(314)/PolicyActions(1)",
"Id": 1,
"PolicyId": 314,
"Name": "OnDemandHealth",
"Parameters": "",
"TemplateId": 80,
"Template": {
"Id": 80,
"Name": "OnDemandHealth",
"Description": "OnDemandHealth",
"Disabled": false,
"ParameterDetails": []
Table 71. Attributes
Attribute name Description
Id ID of the criteria.
PolicyId ID of the policy with which the action is associated.
Name Name of the action.
Parameters Extra parameter that can be added to the action.
TemplateId ID of the action template associated with the action.
Alerts 141