API Guide

Table Of Contents
response body
"@odata.context": "$metadata#DeviceService.PowerResponseModel/$entity",
"@odata.id": "/api/DeviceService/Devices(3265)/Power",
"avgPower": "0",
"systemEnergyConsumptionUnit": "killowatt-hour",
"systemEnergyConsumptionTimeStamp": "20170907071147.450000-300",
"powerUnit": "watt",
"minimumPowerTimeStamp": "19691231180000.000000-360",
"avgPowerUnit": "watt",
"minimumPower": "65535",
"peakPower": "73",
"DateFormat": "CIM",
"systemEnergyConsumption": "0.000",
"Since": "20170414145039.000000-300",
"peakPowerTimeStamp": "20170414145039.000000-300",
"power": "0",
"peakPowerUnit": "watt",
"minimumPowerUnit": "watt"
This URI represents the slot details of a specific device.
GET method for device blade slots
This method returns the details of the slot that the device is installed in.
NOTE: For a chassis, details of only the compute sleds are returned.
Description Returns the slot details of a specific device.
Privilege VIEW
HTTP response
response body
"@odata.count": 2,
"value": [
"DeviceType": 1000,
"AllowStorageAssignment": true,
"SlotNumber": "1",
"ServiceTag": "SVCTG01",
"AllowSharedStorage": true,
"HealthStatus": 4000,
"Id": 4365,
"SlotName": "Sled-1",
"PowerState": 17,
"SlotType": 2000,
"DeviceName": "WIN-02GODDHDJTC"
"DeviceType": 1000,
"AllowStorageAssignment": true,
"SlotNumber": "3",
"ServiceTag": "",
"AllowSharedStorage": true,
"HealthStatus": 2000,
Devices 269