API Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 112. Attributes (continued)
Attribute name Description
4000 Discovery defined
5000 MCM group
MembershipTypeId Group membership type.
12 Static
24 Dynamic
Devices Group link to list group devices.
AllLeafDevices Group link to list all group sub groups devices.
GroupHierarchy Group link to list the group hierarchy.
SubGroup Group link to display the list of sub groups of this group.
GroupDevicesSummary Group link to display a summary of all group devices.
This URI represents the hierarchy of the subgroup within a group.
GET method for GroupHierarchy
This method returns the hierarchy of the subgroups within a group.
Returns the hierarchy of the subgroups.
Privilege VIEW
HTTP response
response body
"@odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(GroupService.GroupHierarchy)",
"@odata.count": 1,
"value": [
"ParentGroupId": 64,
"ChildGroupId": 19164
Table 113. Attributes
Attribute name Description
Id ID of the group.
ParentGroupId ID of the parent group.
ChildGroupId ID of the subgroup within the group.
Groups 329