API Guide

Table Of Contents
"@odata.id": "/api/GroupService/MembershipTypes(24)",
"Id": 24,
"Name": "Dynamic",
"Description": "Dynamic type"
Table 116. Attributes
Attribute name Description
Id ID of the membership type.
Name Name of the membership type.
Description Description of the membership type.
This URI represents a specific membership type within the collection.
GET method for MembershipTypes(Id)
This method returns the details of a specific membership type.
Returns the details of a specific membership type.
Privilege VIEW
HTTP response
response body
"@odata.context": "$metadata#GroupService.MembershipType/$entity",
"@odata.id": "/api/GroupService/MembershipTypes(12)",
"Id": 12,
"Name": "Static",
"Description": "Static type"
Table 117. Attributes
Attribute name Description
Id ID of the membership type.
Name Name of the membership type.
Description Description of the membership type.
332 Groups