API Guide

Table Of Contents
"Severity": "1000",
"Message": "Successfully logged in.",
"Category": "Audit",
"UserName": "root",
"IpAddress": "xx.xx.xx.xx",
"MessageArgs": "root || xx.xx.xx.xx",
"MessageID": "CUSR0001",
"CreatedDate": "2017-04-26 16:13:57.880"
Table 118. Attributes
Attribute Description
Id Identifier of the SessionService.
Severity Severity of the event or error message. Possible values are
Critical, Warning, and Informational.
Message Message text.
Category Category of the message.
UserName Authenticated user who generated the message.
IpAddress IP address of the authenticated user.
MessageArgs Message parameters associated with the message.
MessageID Message identifier.
CreatedDate Date on which the message was generated.
This URI represents all the jobs.
GET method for Jobs
This method returns the details of all the jobs.
Returns details of all the jobs.
Privilege VIEW
HTTP response
response body
"@odata.context": "/api/$metadata#Collection(JobService.Job)",
"@odata.count": 1,
"@odata.type": "#JobService.Job",
"@odata.id": "/api/JobService/Jobs(10016)",
"Id": 10016,
"JobName": "Default Inventory Task",
"JobDescription": "Default Inventory Task",
"NextRun": "2018-09-14 15:30:00.0",
"LastRun": "2018-09-14 15:00:00.381",
338 Monitor